Aim for “Good,” NOT Perfect

For most people, nutrition is never going to be "perfect." It might not even be optimal. But "good enough" still counts. 

A few of my cardinal nutrition rules are:
1. Drink water
2. Eat protein 
3. Eat fruits and veggies

Super simple, and if you follow them most of the time, you'll be well on your way to supporting your body's needs, no special supplements or diet plans required.

One mistake many people make is trying to follow a program perfectly when it doesn't really fit into their lifestyle. If it's not something you can stick with, it's a waste of time. 

Good nutrition is flexible and allows you to continue supporting your health and well-being no matter where you are or what you're doing. 

For example, on Saturday, I went to the O's game. I drank plenty of water and ate my protein (Pit Turkey from Boog's is 100% the way to go) but I barely had any vegetables the entire day.

Ideal? Not from a nutrition standpoint, but as they say, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

So what did I do next?

I microwaved a bag of vegetables Saturday after the game when I got hungry. Easy win. I had the leftovers the next day, along with spinach in my scrambled eggs, extra veggies in pasta salad, and a big portion of grilled vegetables at dinner.

That wasn't me "getting back on track," because one day of not checking off all the boxes perfectly does not mean things have gotten off track.

It was just me giving my body the nutrition I know it needs as best I can based on where I am and what I'm doing. 

Remember, one day is not going to make or break your health or nutrition. It's the overall pattern -- what you do most days -- that matters. 

If you feel like you need to "eat healthier" or "eat better," before you pay for another diet plan or spend all your grocery money on fancy superfoods and organic snacks, take a look at what you're actually eating the majority of the time.

This is the first step for all my nutrition clients, because it helps them step back and really see what they're actually eating over the course of a week. Many of them find they don't even need major changes or a total lifestyle overhaul; they just need to be a little more intentional with some of their choices. 

If you need help improving your eating habits or navigating nutrition over the summer, email me at and let's get started!


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