Eating “too much” or not enough?

It depends.

On your age, gender, activity levels, and goals. 

Here's where you should start: 

The simplest portion measurement strategy is using your own hand. 

I'm a Certified Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition, and we use hand portions as a great starting point because it's free, it's portable -- your hands are typically attached -- and it's a custom measurement for YOUR body and your needs. 

For example, someone who is 5'3" like me is going to have different calorie needs and a different hand size than a 6'4" NFL defensive lineman!

So here's how the portion sizes work: 

Assuming you eat roughly 3 meals per day, you'll want to include about 1-2 portions of protein, carbohydrates, vegetables, and healthy fats at each. 

If you prefer to break your eating into smaller meals and snacks, you'll still want to get about 4-6 portions of each across the day. 

In general, men have higher calorie requirements than women and should lean closer to two portions, but each individual will be different. 

What I would recommend is that everyone focus on getting at least 1-2 palm sized portions of protein in most meals and snacks. Protein is essential for building and rebuilding cells, so it's key for maintaining muscle mass, preserving bone density, managing appetite, and keeping the immune system going strong.  

Portion sizes vary widely depending on the restaurant, the specific brand, and even the plate size you use at home. The hand portion model is intended to be a simple guide to eating the right amount for your body, so don't overthink it! 

Often we eat meals that combine carbohydrates, protein, veggies, and fats, so estimate as best you can. Pizza, for example, would fall under carbohydrates and fats, but it's likely not going to give you full servings of protein and veggies unless it is super loaded with toppings. 

If you don't hit all your servings at each meal, that's ok. It's the balance of all these nutrients across each day and week that matters. 

For example, during the week I often don't get full servings of protein or veggies in my morning meal but I know that, and I plan accordingly to make sure I get more throughout the rest of the day. 

Using the hand portion model and striving to get 4-6 servings of each throughout the day allows you to be flexible with your meals so they fit your schedule and preferences while still providing all the nutrients your body needs to function well. 

Try it as a guide over the next week or two and notice how it stacks up with your typical eating routine. Then shoot me an email at or DM me @jchcoaching on Instagram and let me know how it went!


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