Consistency > Perfection

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Consistency > Perfection

Showing up consistently, even in small ways, even imperfectly, is more effective than only showing up perfectly some of the time.

It's Monday, and for many people, a new week means a fresh start when it comes to "getting back on track" with health & fitness goals.

If you're someone who's trying to get back into it, my advice for you is to pick one or two super small actions -- like doing some kind of movement for 15 minutes each day, or making sure you get one serving of vegetables at most meals -- and stick with them!

And if you're already in a routine but feel like you're not progressing, take a good hard look at how long you've actually been consistent. I've had so many clients tell me: "I've tried everything" -- but trying everything for approximately three days each time isn't going to do it!

Whether it's a new way of eating or a new way of training, it takes time to see results, and many people just don't stick with it long enough.

The other piece of consistency is frequency.

If you're hitting the gym one day a week consistently, but the rest of the days you're barely logging 5,000 steps, you could benefit from moving more often.

If you're nailing healthy breakfasts every day but lunch, dinner, and snacks are hit-or-miss, trying to consistently have two healthy meals a day instead of one would be a great next step.

(Need help with meal planning and prep? Check out my Meal Prep Made Easy Workshop next week!)

Taking smaller steps more often, and sticking with them longer, is going to set you up for long-term, sustainable progress much better than extreme measures done every so often, or for just a week or two.

Ultimately, you want to develop a routine that fits your lifestyle and your goals but one that's also flexible.

If you're having to start over again every Monday, or if you're constantly saying "I'll get back on track after _____," that's a pattern of inconsistency that is likely holding you back.

Instead of thinking you need to follow your eating plan or workout program perfectly every single day and that if you "mess up" you have to start over, focus on just making the next best decision.

If you miss a day at the gym, take a walk instead or come in the following day, even if it's not your norm. If life and busy scheduling means you wind up in the fast-food drive thru, don't think "I'll start again next week." Start again at the next meal!

Having an all-or-nothing mindset will keep you from being consistent and reaching your goals, because hitting "all" 100% of the time isn't realistic. Doing the best you can and sticking with it even when you're not perfect will keep you moving forward, even when things don't go as planned.

All of our lives are messy and chaotic and busy and we're all just doing the best we can. Perfection shouldn't be the goal. Consistently taking imperfect action and making small improvements will almost always pay off more in the long run.


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