Run Your Own Race
Find the path that works for YOU
Last week I told you to "Do the Work" and be consistent when working toward your goals, whether those goals are fitness, weight, health, relationship, career, financial, etc. (Missed it? Catch up here.)
It's important to remember that "the work," just like the goals, will look different for everyone.
We all have different responsibilities, time constraints, financial considerations, abilities, and goals.
We all have to do the best we can with what we have.
The important thing is to keep doing it consistently as best we can.
My workout schedule is going to look different than that of someone who has different goals or an office job or four kids or an injury.
I personally prioritize my workouts over some other things because I enjoy them and they make me feel good, I have specific goals I want to reach, and I value the routine of working out every day. I haven't folded or put away any of my clean laundry in a couple weeks, but I'm making progress at the gym. #priorities
The point is everyone is going to have different goals, different priorities, and a different path.
If you work in an office, maybe you'll decide to get up early and work out or make a well-balanced breakfast before work. When I commuted, I could never get to the gym before work so I'd roll in at 8 or 8:30 at night (often at the expense of actual sleep and recovery, which is NOT recommended!)
What works for someone else won't always work for you. That's why standardized diet or exercise plans can be so tough to stick with!
To be successful at achieving your goals, whatever they might be, you have to find your own way. What are you working towards? How can your lifestyle and your schedule help you get there, and how might it hold you back? What steps can you take -- consistently -- to get a little bit closer every day?
Those are the kinds of questions I talk about with my personal training and nutrition coaching clients. It's not about what has worked for me in the past. It's about you. What do you need, and what kind of system, schedule, routine, or program will support you?
If you're not sure where to start, I'm happy to help. Just reply and let me know what you need.