Happy New Year 2023


Some of you might be energized and ready for a brand new year, but the last few weeks of holidays have been a blur, and I need a nap!

And that's why I don't love the "New Year, New You" marketing this time of year. 

It puts unnecessary pressure on all of us to completely transform our lives, our bodies, our eating habits, our fitness routines, and more at a time when many of us are still trying to get "back to normal" after a busy season.

I've already seen a handful of people post about how they already "failed" their resolutions...and it's January 2nd.

I was not ready to jump into any New Year's Resolutions on January 1. 
My first goal for this week, month, and year is just to get reorganized and back in a normal schedule so if you don't feel ready to start yet, or you already feel behind, take a breath. You're good. 

There is plenty of time to make whatever transformations you like, and there's no deadline. Your "New Year" can start whenever you're ready, and you can start again whenever you feel the need or desire. January 17. April 24. It's up to you.

For some people, there is incredible energy that comes with the change of the year and the feeling of a fresh start, but there's really nothing scientific or magical about it. 

You're not a new person just because the clock struck midnight on January 1. The things you want to change didn't magically change just because you turned a page in the calendar, and the things you were struggling with, avoiding, or worried about didn't evaporate at the stroke of midnight. 

Expecting everything to be new and different just because it's 2023 is a setup for failure. 

If you DO want to make positive changes this year, start now by getting clear on what you want to accomplish and HOW you'll make it happen.

Be super, ridiculously specific. Identify the goal and work backwards through each action item that it takes to get there (and if you're not sure, ask someone who knows and can help!) Use a tracker or log to hold yourself accountable. Focus on ONE thing at a time. 

And give yourself time. It's appealing to sign up for 10 day, 21 day, and 30 day detoxes and challenges because it's a small window of time which feels more doable. BUT -- if you want results that last longer than 10 days, 21 days, or 30 days, you need to make a longer commitment. Fact. 

Not a single person is perfect and life is always going to get in the way, and when you're in it for the long haul, missing a few small steps out of 365 days matters a heck of a lot less than missing several days out of 10 or 21 days.

Plus, if your goal or resolution is something health-related that you want to incorporate into the rest of your life? You're going to be working towards or maintaining it for the rest of your life, so there's no need to do it all before February. Take your time to set up a solid plan for gradually working towards your goal so you can feel successful instead of like you made yet another "failed" resolution. 

If you DON'T have any goals or resolutions, that's cool, too! There's a lot of pressure to change or improve, but if you're already satisfied where you are with what you're doing, that's pretty powerful. Keep it up. 

If you have health, fitness, or nutrition related changes you want to make in 2023 and you're not sure where to start or what to do, please send an email to
coachjustineh@gmail.com! I'm currently taking on 1:1 nutrition and personal training clients. 


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