Waiting for the "right" time to restart your health & fitness journey?

It's right now.

So many people tell me they'll get back to the gym, or start working with a trainer, or prioritize eating better when things "calm down," when life isn't so busy, when they're not traveling for work, when the kids have fewer activities, when there's more time, etc.  

I understand feeling like you can't possibly put one more thing on your plate AND I think holding off until things "settle down" is a missed opportunity, because something else is always going to come up.

One of the BEST times to hire a trainer or coach and to start focusing on health and fitness is when it's not convenient. That's the time when you need the most support and guidance, and if you can make it work when life feels crazy, you'll know you've developed the skills to make it work anytime, no matter what comes up in the future. 

When life is hectic, committing to personal training or nutrition coaching sessions gives you extra accountability so it doesn't completely fall by the wayside. 

A good coach will help you identify roadblocks, modify routines, and work through challenges so you can continue to make progress. They'll also help you set realistic expectations and feel more positive about what you are able to get done.

As someone who literally works in health and fitness, I can tell with you with 100% certainty that there is no "perfect" time to start a routine, and the "right" time is right now. 

Life isn't perfect and most of us don't consistently have the time and energy to focus all our mental and physical energy on food and exercise. Most of us have jobs and families and deadlines and bills and other stressors that continually throw wrenches into our best laid plans. 

Waiting until the time is right, until the kids are out of school, until vacation is over, until the kids are back in school, until the fall sports schedule is out, until the holidays are over...If you're waiting for life to settle down to focus on your health and fitness, you could be waiting for a very, very long time. 

And if you wait for the "right" time and then life throws more at you, as it often does, you won't know how to handle it and you'll be right back where you started. 

Fitness and nutrition are, ideally, lifelong journeys, because if you want to be fit and healthy for a lifetime, there's no end date. That means you have to learn how to incorporate them into your life, whatever it looks like right now. 

What's the next thing you can do, today, to prioritize your health and fitness? What is the smallest step you can take to get you closer to where you ultimately want to be?

Focus on that. Start now. Stop waiting for the perfect time, because this is it. 


Health & Fitness is a Long Game


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