Working Out When Life is Busy

Peach square with thin white border. Pink header text says" How to Keep moving throughout the holidays" There are 5 white boxes with black text below the header that say: (1) Plan Ahead (2) Be Flexible (3) Just Do Something (4) Don't Pause for Too Lo

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a million times. 
"I'll get back to the gym after _____"
"I'll start working out again once _____"

Here's the truth: Something else is always going to come up.

For most of us, life is never actually going to "settle down" or "calm down." There might be seasons that are far busier or more stressful than others, but there's rarely a good time, and even if there was, it wouldn't last. 

Learning how to stay active no matter what comes up is one of the top skills that keeps people fit and improves health and longevity. 

Here are some tips to get you through the holiday season and any other busy time in your life.

#1 Plan Ahead

When you feel like you need to go-go-go from one thing to the next, that's when you need to pause, take a minute, and plan out your week/month. Put all your big, important dates and events on the calendar, and then put all the smaller ones on, too, like appointments and meetings. 

From there, look at what's open. What evenings do you usually go to the gym? Depending on your schedule, that might need to shift (Pro-tip: if you are working with a trainer, PLEASE tell them asap so they can still fit you in!) Maybe you'll need to try a different class one week, or work out in the morning, at lunch, or on a weekend day instead. 

Just like your other events, put your workouts on the calendar. They're appointments. Don't bail on yourself. 

#2 Be Flexible

It's fantastic to get into a routine, to have a set workout schedule, and to consistently attend certain classes or training sessions. BUT -- when life gets busy, as it often does during the holidays, being too rigid might mean missing out on workouts completely! 

Once you look at your schedule, make arrangements with your trainer or your workout buddy if you need to reschedule any workouts. If you typically do classes and you know you'll have to miss certain days, look up which other days and classes you could do instead. If making it to the gym is out of the question, think about what you could do at home -- maybe a bodyweight or dumbbell workout, or a walk or jog outside?

#3 Something is Better Than Nothing

When you're really busy, don't get too hung up on certain workouts. Maybe you prefer to go for a run or do a 55-minute class, but you have to squeeze in an at-home workout during the kids' nap time. It still counts! 

Maybe you like to work out before work, but you also need to be at the office early. Consider showering and leaving straight from the gym after your workout, cutting some time off your workout, or going in the evening when you have to. 

If it's too cold and dark to go to the gym, a mood-boosting dance party in your living room can still get your heart rate up!

All movement counts. Some of it is going to be more useful for certain goals than others, but something is always better than nothing. 

#4 Don't Stop for Toooooo Long

When I was in college, I would force myself to go to the gym or the pool in the mornings even when I didn't want to, because I believed if I took one day off, it would be easier to take the next day off, too, and the one after that, and pretty soon I'd stop going altogether. 

Sometimes when life is hectic as it often is during the holidays, getting a workout in just isn't going to work. That's ok. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just take the next opportunity you have to get moving. 

What matters most is what you do over time. Ideally, you want moving your body to be the routine, and skipping to be the exception -- not the other way around. 

#5 Focus on the Positives

Many times, we focus on what we HAVE to do. We "have" to work out. We "have" to eat veggies. We "have" to "work off" holiday treats. 

Flip the script. 

You GET to work out because your body is capable and deserving of care. You DESERVE to nourish your body in ways that make you feel good and support your health for decades to come. 

Being able to move, being strong, being healthy, being active without pain -- those are all gifts. Privileges that shouldn't be taken for granted. 

Even when things are busy -- especially when things are busy -- it's important to take care of ourselves. To do things that make us feel good not just now, but in the future, so we can continue enjoying full, busy lives and holiday seasons for years to come.


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