Halfway Through 2023: Are You Where You Want to Be?

How many times have you said something like: "This year has flown by" or "I can't believe it's already ______"?

We've probably all said it often enough that we should know by now that time moves pretty darn fast. 

Yet even knowing that, many of us are hesitant to make longer-term commitments to our fitness and nutrition. 

How many times have you made New Year's resolutions, only for the next year to roll around with you no closer to your goals?

Maybe you're looking at the second half of 2023 and wondering if that's going to be your story yet again this year. 

You still have the time and the ability right now to change that. 

Six months is plenty of time to change your life. 

In fact, more people should plan for it to take at least six months!

It's a lot easier to sign on for a 30-day "reset" than it is to commit to six months of being consistent and focused on workouts or changes to nutrition or whatever your goal might be. 

The smaller time frame makes it feel more doable, less intimidating -- a good starting point. 

But it's simply not enough time. 

In order to see any changes at all in such a short time, you have to take really drastic action. The more drastic it is, the harder it is to stick with. 

It's like the tale of the tortoise and the hare. The hare was speedier, but the tortoise won their race because it never stopped. 

Fitness and nutrition isn't a race, but slow and steady is still the best way to approach it. And we all know that while six months might sound like a long time, it'll be over before you know it.

The question is, will you be in the same spot you are now? Or are you ready to commit to change?


The 1st Step To Your Next Goal


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