If You Keep Doing the Same Things, You're Going to Get the Same Results

Hi friends!

So far in 2022 we've talked about:

[Check out any of the links above if you missed them!]

One of the other, major things that keeps people from reaching their goals?

Not actually doing the things they need to do to reach those goals.

This applies not just to health and fitness but all aspects of life:
If you don't do anything differently, nothing's going to be different.

To be clear, nothing HAS to change. But if there's something you'd like to be different, you're going to have to do something about it.

Read that again: YOU are going to have to DO something about it.

That's where a lot of people get stuck, because it's easier to just...not change.

There's a lot of confusing, conflicting information about what to do and how to do it, and many other things competing for your time, attention, and energy. Some people never even get further than wanting something to be different.

Those of you reading this have taken it at least a little further than that -- you've joined a gym, signed up for my emails to learn more about fitness and nutrition, maybe even worked with me or another coach 1:1.

Even when you hire a coach, you still have to commit to the work.

As a personal trainer, I can put you through workouts and I can give you workouts to do between sessions, but just getting a program isn't doing the work. You have to actually follow it -- consistently -- for those workouts to make a difference.

Of course, workouts are just one piece of the puzzle.

If every day you're eating like a hungover 22-year-old or a fussy two-year-old, you're also going to have to make nutrition changes if you want to see physical changes or health benefits -- working out won't solve everything.

As a nutrition coach, I can provide guidance so you'll be empowered to make choices that support your goals. But I'm not the one eating (or not eating). You're the one who will need to make the changes to your eating habits.

Even if you hire a trainer and/or a nutrition coach or dietitian, you still have to make the change.

Even after you clear the barriers of knowing what to do and how to do it, the willingness to put in the work is what holds many people back.

If you want to look lean and muscular, but you only want to do cardio workouts all the time which do not build significant muscle mass, and you're afraid to adjust calories or lift heavier to actually build muscle, or you're not consistent with your lifts...you're just not going to all of a sudden look leaner and more muscular.

If you want to lose weight but you're not active throughout the day or even the week and you're not willing to increase your steps or change your eating habits, you're going to have a really hard time losing weight.

If you want something different, for your life, your health, your body, your fitness -- you have to change something. It can be scary, especially if you're in a solid fitness routine or at a weight you're comfortable with, to make any changes. But if you're not really where you want to be, why would you keep doing the same thing?

In all honesty, fitness and nutrition are ongoing science experiments, and anyone who's giving you guarantees is probably trying to sell you something. The process of change, in the context of fitness and nutrition, relies on making small changes, seeing how they work, and continuing to adjust as needed.

But you have to be willing to at least try the changes first.

That can feel intimidating or scary, but a lot of wonderful things can happen outside our comfort zones.

If making a change is the key to the goal you've been dreaming of for a long time, not making the change should feel even more scary.

If you have a fitness or nutrition goal that you're not sure how to achieve, or you're nervous to get started, please get in touch. I'm here to help guide you and support you through it, because you deserve to make progress toward your goals and live your best life.


Done is Better than Perfect


Limiting Beliefs:What You Think You Know Might Be Holding You Back