Instead of Resolutions, Set SMART Goals
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
'Tis the season for setting New Year's Resolutions, but of the people who set resolutions, how many actually keep them all year long? (I never have!)
New Year's is as good a time as any for setting a new routine or getting a fresh start, although you can totally do that anytime you want.
If you have something you want to achieve this year, instead of vague, hard-to-keep resolutions, try starting the year with a SMART goal.
SMART is an acronym for a goal that is specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time-based.
Let's break it down...
Specific -- Get really, really, really dialed in on what you want to achieve. "Lose weight" ain't it. Neither is "eat better" or "work out more." Try something like "Eat one serving of veggies at dinner every day" or "Go to the gym two times each week."
Measurable -- See above: "one serving of veggies" and "two times each week." How are you going to measure your goal? Setting a goal to work out "more" isn't specific or quantifiable enough. If you want to get healthier, what metrics are you using to track your progress?
Actionable -- The tricky one. An actionable goal is something you can DO. It's a behavior, not an outcome. There has to be some sort of action you're going to take. For example, "losing X amount of weight" is specific and measurable, but there are often many factors outside our control that affect whether or not it happens. Include actions, preferably small ones, that you can take consistently to help yourself get closer to the end goal.
Realistic -- "I'm going to post on social media every day so I can build my own business and become a millionaire by the end of the year."
Specific. Measurable. Actionable. Time-based. Not at all realistic!
How about this one that I hear every year: "I'm going to go to the gym every day including weekends."
While I love the motivation, life happens and that's just not realistic (Nor is it healthy. We need rest, too!)
Start smaller, and set yourself up for success by choosing things that are totally doable, then add on from there!
Time-Based -- I am currently sitting on two certifications that I can finish in my own time, but because there's no expiration or due date, they keep getting pushed to the side. This year, I'm giving myself hard deadlines because it's the only way it'll get done.
Goals are the same! Give yourself a realistic time frame for achieving the specific and measurable action you've set out.
If you don't quite reach it, that's ok. You can re-assess and get back at it, but I guarantee that you'll be closer to where you want to be than if you didn't set a time frame at all!
What SMART goals are you going to set for 2022?
Shoot me an email @ and let me know what you’re working on!